Mumbai, Oct 4 (UNI) In an aggressive stance taken by the three MLAs from the tribal community, including Deputy Speaker of the Maharashtra Assembly Narhari Zirwal, the trio jumped from the third floor of Mantralaya, also called the Secretriat on Friday, over issues releated to tribal community, and landed safely on a net which was installed at every floor to prevent suicide attempts in 2018.
The MLAs of the tribal community were protesting on various demands, including the issue of the Dhangar reservation and recruitment from the last few days.
These MLAs landed on the protective net from the third floor after entering Mantralaya.
The MLAs are from the Ajit Pawar Group, and Legislative Assembly Deputy Speaker Narahari Zirawal who were evicted later by the police.
The committee has been formed by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde to include the Dhangar community in the tribal category, and a draft is also being prepared for it.
However, inclusion of the Dhangar community in the tribal category has been opposed by MLAs of tribal communities, including Narahari Jirwal. Narahari has become aggressive over this issue and took this extreme step.
Zirwal was protesting in front of the entrance of the Mantralaya along with MLAs four days ago. He had said that the government is not listening to us.
'For the last two years, we have been agitating against whether there will be pesa recruitment or the decision to give reservations to Dhangars from tribals. However, we are not taken into confidence while making decisions in this regard, and laws were made directly," the Assembly Deputy Speaker alleged at the Secretariat on Tuesday.
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